
Ice Breakers "Break Through"

  ICE BREAKERS “Break Through”
If you were on the internet at all during 2017 you probably saw an annoying amount of unicorn content. Sorry that was probably our bad.
As part of a new launch for Ice Breakers mints we developed “The Unicorn of Your Confidence”. A break through personification of the confidence boosting powers you get when you pop a mint. We launched our spots and "The Unicorn of Your Confidence" on of course a fake holiday, National Unicorn Day. There was 397 times as many mentions of unicorns that day, compared to the year prior. Resulting in National Unicorn Day trending for the first time in history (yes, my mom is sooooo proud).

We were the first CPG brand to utilize "Twitter First View" to place a #UnicornMoment tweet at the top of users' newsfeeds and debuted a music video starring our unicorn.
The music video became so successful on social media, that it was later turned it into a full 3 minute song. Once again sorry.

CW: Mariangela McMurray
AD: Mackenzie Gire
Agency: CP+B